Staff Directory

Staff Directory


Photo of Marci Penner

Marci Penner

Vice Principal

Photo of Angela Paine

Angela Paine

Administrative Assistants

Photo of Glenna Rothfus

Glenna Rothfus


Photo of Joelle Sept

Joelle Sept


placeholder image for Nicole Stolte

Nicole Stolte


Support Staff

Photo of Michelle Best

Michelle Best

Finance & Home Education Funding

placeholder image for Victoria Hyatt

Victoria Hyatt

Learning Supports & Online Librarian

Photo of Cindy Lee

Cindy Lee

Moodle Tech & Print Based Resource Librarian

Photo of Amanda Sadler

Amanda Sadler

Community Connections Coordinator

Photo of Grant van Boeschoten

Grant van Boeschoten

Technology Facilitator


Photo of Kimberley Brown

Kimberley Brown

Indigenous Liaison, Elementary/Junior High and Options

Photo of Shauna Crotser

Shauna Crotser

Grade 2, Grade 3, Home Education Facilitator

Photo of Susan Cullum

Susan Cullum

High School English and Options

Photo of Lisa Dau

Lisa Dau

Home Education Facilitator, Junior High English and PE/Health

Photo of Joyce Denoudsten

Joyce Denoudsten

PBR Grade 6, LA 5, Home Education Facilitator

Photo of Glenda Ferguson

Glenda Ferguson

PBR Grade 1, PBR Grade 4, Home Education Facilitator

Photo of Jennifer Fluney

Jennifer Fluney

Jr High Math and Science

Photo of Rick Glasspell

Rick Glasspell

Elementary Math, Elementary/Jr High Bible, Health & PE, Finance, Home Education Facilitator

Photo of Scott Heggerud

Scott Heggerud

Jr High Math, Sr High Biology

Photo of Rene Hoeksema

Rene Hoeksema


Photo of Madison Knight

Madison Knight

CALM, Sr High PE

Photo of Teresa Learmont

Teresa Learmont

Sr High Math

Photo of Corrie Leismeister

Corrie Leismeister

High School Social Studies, High School Academic Advisor, Home Education Facilitator

Photo of Kelly Leronowich

Kelly Leronowich

High School: English, Science, Options

Photo of Bobbie Luymes

Bobbie Luymes

Home Education Facilitator

Photo of Shaylene Machacek

Shaylene Machacek

High School Math, Home Education Facilitator

Photo of Sheila McIlwain

Sheila McIlwain

High School: English, PE, Options

Photo of Janet Nickerson

Janet Nickerson

High School: Science, Physics, Math

Photo of Roberta Onyschtschuk

Roberta Onyschtschuk

Jr High: Science, Social, PE/Health, Bible, Options. Learning Supports, Academic Counselling

Photo of Angela Paine

Angela Paine

Jr High Math, Learning Supports

Photo of Marci Penner

Marci Penner

Sr High Options

Photo of Michael Robertson

Michael Robertson

High School: English, Social Studies, Options

Photo of Susan Sampson

Susan Sampson

On Leave

Photo of Colin Schmidt

Colin Schmidt

PBR Grade 5, Home Education Facilitator

Photo of Jill Schmidt

Jill Schmidt

High School: Social Studies, Options. Learning Supports

Photo of Ellen Stauffer

Ellen Stauffer

Jr High English, High School Options

Photo of Vanessa Travnik

Vanessa Travnik

Home Education Facilitator

Photo of Christina Turner

Christina Turner

High School: Science, Chemistry, Biology, Math, Options

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