Finance 10 ( 3-credit CTS)

Summary of Course Content and Activities:

Finance 10 is a 3-credit course that consists of three 1-credit modules:

  • FIN1010 – Personal Financial Information
  • FIN1015 – Accounting Prep
  • FIN1910 – FIN Project A

FIN1010 focusses on banking, investing, budgeting, and financial planning.

FIN1015 provides students with the opportunity to become familiar with financial statements, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), and how to prepare accounting records for the startup of a business.  Students learn about Balance Sheets, Charts of Account, General Journals, General Ledgers, and how to post opening transactions.

FIN1910 allows students to develop project design and management skills by creating a presentation that has students research and explain Codes of Conduct, financial management jobs and their interest level in them, and how government policies affect personal financial management.

Philosophy statement 

Financial management is a skill that is often overlooked; however, Scripture provides much wisdom with regard to managing one’s finances and the finances of business.  Luke 16:10-12 says, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.  So, if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?  And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?”  As such, managing money is a skill that requires people to be knowledgeable about finances and vigilant and honest with how to deal with them practically.


INF1060 – Spreadsheet 1 or INF2080 – Spreadsheet 2 are recommended but not required.


  • PC computer (not an Apple, Chromebook, or iPad) with Word, Excel, and Adobe Acrobat.
  • Internet access, printer, and a scanner or phone to take pictures of completed tasks.
  • Calculator.

Forecasted amount of time

3-4 hours per week.


As this course is broken down into three 1-credit modules, credit is given per module.  The marking guide is provided below:

  • FIN1010 – Personal Financial Information (Assignments/Quizzes – 70%, Final Project – 30%)
  • FIN1015 – Accounting Prep (Assignments – 70%, Final Project – 30%)
  • FIN1910 – FIN Project A (Final Project – 100%)