Summary of course content and activities:

Course Topics:

  • Unit 1: Matter as Solutions, Acids, Bases and Gases, Chapters 1-6
  • Unit 2: Quantitative Relationships in Chemical Changes, Chapter 7
  • Unit 3: Chemical Bonding in Matter, Chapter 8
  • Unit 4: The Diversity of Matter: An Intro to Organic Chemistry, Chapter 9

Philosophy statement for and/or behind teaching this course:

Chemistry is the study of matter and its changes. Through the study of chemistry, you are given an opportunity to explore and understand the natural world and to become aware of the profound influence of chemistry in your everyday life.


A mark of 50% or better in Science 10 is required, however please note that Science 10 comprises 4 areas of study including Chemistry.  It is recommended students have a strong foundation in the Chemistry unit before taking Chemistry 20.

Number of credits that this course is worth:

5 credits

Materials and resources provided by NSA, purchased by student, and/or recommended:

Provided by NSA:

  • Nelson Chemistry by F. Jenkins et al., 1993

Purchased by student:

  • A scientific calculator is required for this course.

Recommended but not required:

  • Optional: Molecular Model Set

Forecasted amount of time required to complete each week's lesson

7-8 hours per week

Description of student evaluations, quizzes and tests.

Each week consists of several small online activities as well as submitted assignments.

Lesson Assignments: 40%
Online Activities: 20%
5 Unit Tests: 25%
Final Exam: 15%


Summary of Course Content and Activities

In Chemistry 30 we study change--changes in thermochemical energy, elerctrochemical systems and in acid and base equilibrium. We also study hydrocarbons--their sources, how to name them and simple reactions with them.
Activities include: reading, practice problems, quizzes, tests and virtual labs.

Philosophy statement for teaching this course

Chemistry is a discovery about how and why elements interact and combine in the world. As Christians, we have been created to ?rule?over the all the earth? (Genesis 1:26). We can serve God more effectively as His caretakers when we learn about His creation and the rules that govern it.


A mark of 50% or better (65% or better recommended) in Chemistry 20

Materials and Resources

Provided by NSA

  • Nelson Chemistry by F. Jenkins et al., 2007a

Purchased by Students

  • A scientific calculator is required for this course.
  • Optional: Molecular Model Set
  • notebook for pencil and paper assignments.

Forecasted amount of time required to complete each week's lesson

8-10 hours per week

Description of student evaluations, quizzes and tests.

Each week consists of several small online activities as well as submitted assignments.  Students final grade will be weighted 70% from course work and the remaining 30% from the diploma exam

Class work (70%)
Lesson Assignments: 40%
Online Activities: 10%
Holistic Unit Assessments (1 per unit): 20%
Midterm: 10%
Unit Exams: 20%
Diploma Exam (30%)